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Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture


"Der Wächter des Hauses von Madame P. " / Glas,  2020


Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, glass, sculpture,verre, arrive a Paris, art, paintings, tableaus, peinture


"Le garde : il surveille la maison de Mme P."  /  verre, 2020


Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture


you can see one and the same objekt - but different light


Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture


vous voyez toujours le même objet //  lumière différente


Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture


  you can see  the front and the back /  avant et arrière  


Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture


  Glas / glass / verre / vidro /  62 x 30 x 16  cm


Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture


Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture

verre / Glas / glass / vidro  - 2020


" The guardian of  the house from Mrs P. "/  glass, 2020




Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture



Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture

Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture

Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture

Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture

photos on the top :  the sculpture at dark   //   photos ci-dessus :  la sculpture dans le noir

photo down :  detail  in the evening sun   //  photo tout en bas : un  détail au soleil du soir

Gerd Sonntag, Glas, Skulptur, verre, arrive a Paris, glass, sculpture, auction, paintings, art, peinture


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